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Learn The Benefits of Fig Soaked In Water Overnight


Figuring out what to eat in the morning can be a challenge. We all know the feeling of standing in front of the fridge, not sure what to fill up our breakfast bowl with. While you may have been tempted to toss a bagel in the toaster or grab a banana on your way out, it may be time to give your morning routine an upgrade.

Introducing: overnight figs! Soaking these sweet and juicy little fruits overnight has a whole host of benefits, from digestive health to skin care. While this method does require some planning ahead, it’s easy to incorporate into your daily routine and takes less than 10 minutes. In this article, we’ll take a look at how soaking figs overnight can benefit your health and share tips on how to make it part of your morning routine.

Overview of Benefits of Soaking Figs

You've probably heard of overnight oats, but have you ever heard of overnight figs? If you're looking to increase your daily fruit intake while saving time in the morning rush, then soaking figs overnight is the answer you've been looking for! This simple method not only saves time—it also brings a wide range of health benefits.

Some of these benefits include:

Improved Digestion: Figs are full of dietary fiber which helps keep your digestive system healthy and functioning. Soaking them overnight increases their fiber content, making them an ideal go-to for people with digestion issues.

Weight Loss: Figs contain few calories and lots of healthy nutrients. When soaked overnight, they become easier to digest, allowing your body to absorb more vitamins and minerals while still maintaining a low calorie count - perfect for those looking to stay on track with their weight loss goals.

Rich In Antioxidants: Overnight soaked figs are rich in antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage and fight off inflammation caused by free radicals. This makes them particularly beneficial for people with chronic illnesses or sensitive skin issues.

Soaking figs overnight is an easy and delicious way to incorporate some extra nutrition into your day—try it today!

How to Soak Figs?

So now you know why you should include figs in your daily routine. The next step is to learn the best way to incorporate them. The simplest and most effective way is to soak them overnight in water.

Here's how to do it:

  • Take about 5-8 figs and rinse them well in cold water
  • Place them into a bowl or jar and cover with filtered water
  • Soak for 8-12 hours overnight

Drink the soaking water as soon as you wake up; it's loaded with health benefits and can be sweetened with a little honey if desired

Store soaked figs in the refrigerator for use throughout the day – enjoy eaten raw, as part of a salad, with yogurt, etc.

Nutritional Benefits of Eating Soaked Figs

Soaking figs overnight can make them even more nutritious than eating them raw. Here are some of the benefits of soaking them overnight:

Vitamins and Antioxidants

By soaking your figs in water overnight, you are making them easier to digest, and at the same time, you’re also increasing their nutrient content. Soaking breaks down the tough exterior of the fig, making it softer. This helps in releasing more vitamins and antioxidants like Vitamin A and Vitamin K, into the water. This allows your body to absorb all these nutrients easily.


Figs are already a great source of fiber—soaking them overnight enhances this benefit even more. The fiber found in figs helps keep your digestive system healthy and regular while aiding in weight loss as well! So if you're looking to add extra fiber to your diet, adding soaked figs to your breakfast is a great way to do it.


By soaking figs, you are allowing some minerals like magnesium and potassium free into the water which makes it easier for your body to absorb these minerals. Magnesium help relax muscles and nerves while potassium helps regulate blood pressure levels!

The key takeaway here? Incorporating soaked figs into your breakfast can help increase nutrition intake in an easy, tasty way!

Accompanying Foods to Enjoy With Soaked Figs

So, you’ve decided to jump on the fig bandwagon and learn how to enjoy them by soaking them overnight! But now the question is: What can you eat with your soaked figs? Let’s break it down.

As a Base

Soaked figs can be enjoyed as a base for a few different dishes. For example, why not try out some soaked fig oatmeal bowls mixed with blueberries, nuts, and honey? Or why not get creative and make a fig smoothie bowl with some nut-milk and chia seeds? Delicious!

Accompanying Foods

To really turn up the volume on your soaked figs, try pairing them as an accompaniment to some of your favorite meals. Need some inspiration? Try tossing soaked figs in salads or adding them in sandwiches. They also pair excellently with yogurt, nuts, granola and quinoa—the perfect way to fuel your morning!

Simple Recipes for Enjoying Figs Easily

Eating figs doesn't have to be a complicated affair. You can easily soak your figs overnight to activate their health benefits and enjoy them as soon as you wake up in the morning. Here are three delicious recipes you can try:

Fig Smoothie Bowl

Throw all of the following ingredients into your blender, process until smooth, pour into a bowl, and top it with some crushed nuts for crunch.

  • 1 cup of soaked figs
  • 1 cup frozen banana
  • ½ cup almond milk or other nut milk
  • 1 tsp of honey or maple syrup (optional)
  • ½ tsp cinnamon (optional)
  • Pinch of salt (optional)

Chocolate Figs Overnight Oats

Combine the following ingredients in a jar, give it a stir and pop it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, your brekkie will be ready to go!

  • ½ cup rolled oats
  • 2 soaked figs, diced into small pieces
  • ¾ cup almond milk or other nut milk
  • ½ banana mashed
  • 2 tsp chia seeds
  • 1 Tbsp cocoa powder
  • Pinch of sea salt (optional)

Honey Vanilla Figs Toast 

Top your morning toast with these flavourful toppings for an extra energy boost.

  • 2 slices of toast of choice, toasted lightly
  • 4 soaked figs, sliced thinly
  • 1 Tbsp honey or maple syrup
  • ¼ tsp vanilla extract

FAQs on Soaked Figs

You've got your facts on figs and their health benefits, but you might have some lingering questions about soaking them overnight. We've got some answers.

Q. Does soaking figs change their nutrient content?

The short answer: no. Soaking figs overnight does not change the nutrient content of the fruit itself. However, it does make them much easier to eat and digest, since you don't have to chew through a hard outer skin and fibrous insides.

Q. What type of water should I use?

For best results, use filtered or distilled water to soak your figs overnight. The minerals in tap water can alter the taste of the figs and affect their potency and potency levels.

Q. Do I need to refrigerate my soaked figs?

No, you don't need to refrigerate the soaked figs; keep them in a covered container in a cool place overnight or up to 48 hours. Make sure you replace the water if it's been sitting out for too long, as it can become contaminated with bacteria over time.

Q. How many Figs we should eat a day?

So, how many figs should you eat a day? Well, it really depends on your specific diet and needs. Generally speaking, however, the USDA recommends up to three servings of fruit per day. A serving size is usually about one medium-sized fig—or a half-cup of chopped figs—so there’s plenty of room for creativity in your diet!

And here’s another great thing about figs: their calorie count is low! Just half a cup of figs only contains around 40 calories. So if you’re watching your weight—but still want to enjoy these delicious little fruits—you don’t have to worry too much about indulging.

Q. Are figs good for sperm?

The answer is yes! Soaking figs overnight in water can help to increase sperm count and mobility. Figs contain an abundance of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that are essential for sperm production. Eating figs helps increase the blood flow to the male reproductive organs, which increases your ability to reproduce. Fig water also contains zinc, which is essential for the production of healthy sperm. Additionally, figs provide Vitamin E and selenium, which boosts immunity and prevents oxidative stress in your cells, helping to keep your sperm healthy.

Q. Are figs good for hair loss?

There's no definitive answer to this question, but there are various theories about why hair loss could be helped by eating figs. While more research needs to be done, here’s what we do know about the potential benefits of figs for hair loss:

  • Fig extract has been shown to reduce inflammation, which could help with scalp irritation and lead to healthier hair growth.
  • Figs contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E that all contribute to healthy skin and hair.
  • Figs are a great source of fiber and potassium which can improve circulation and nutrient absorption.
  • Figs also contain natural antioxidants which fight against free radicals in the body and promote new cell growth.

So while the jury is still out on whether or not eating figs is a foolproof way to fight hair loss, it definitely doesn't hurt to get some extra nutrients into your diet. Eating soaked figs overnight makes it even easier to reap the potential benefits—so don’t miss out!


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